Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when air is physically blocked
from entering the lungs intermittently during sleep. Why does this happen?
The answer is not completely known. For air to get to the lungs, it must
first go through the set of structures known as the "upper airway," which
we call "airway" for short.
The diagram below shows the airway of a human lying on his or her back.
The airway includes the nose, the mouth, and the parts of the mouth behind
the tongue that cannot be seen without special instruments.
The airway is similar to a tube.
Like a straw used to drink a milkshake, some parts of this tube have a
tendency to collapse shut. The red "X" in
the diagram below shows a common site of collapse -- behind the tongue.
When collapse occurs here, air cannot get from the nose or mouth into the lungs.
To prevent collapse, there are muscles in the airway with the job
of keeping the airway open. These muscles are 100% on-duty during
wakefulness, but when sleep comes, they relax.
Muscles throughout the body relax during sleep.
In normal people, the airway stays open even when the airway muscles relax.
In people with obstructive sleep apnea, however, the airway collapses,
or is close to collapsing, when airway muscles relax.
Here's a diagram of what happens in obstructive sleep apnea:
Sleep |
Airway muscles relax |
Airway collapses |
Reduced airflow |
Distress |
Brain awakens |
Airway muscles energized |
Airway opens |
Normal airflow |
Distress ends |
Brain goes back to sleep |
As you can see, the process of airway opening and collapse is dynamic -- it
is a process that repeats multiple times.
The distress caused by reduced airflow
is similar to being choked. This distress awakens the brain, which turns on the
airway muscles, which permits normal airflow to occur and ends the distress.
It's usual at this point for the brain to fall right back asleep. It falls
back asleep so fast that no memory of the event is formed. Most persons with
sleep apnea are not aware of their problems breathing during sleep.
If you have heard of unconscious people "swallowing their tongue" and
choking to death, the situation is exactly the same as in obstructive
sleep apnea, except that the brain does not awaken and the airway muscles
are not roused to open the airway.