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Physicians in William Howard Taft's Life
Many physicians came in contact with Taft, for many reasons. To assist
scholars newly approaching the Taft papers, this page supplies an annotated
list of the physicians noted in research to date.
- Physicians with whom Taft had a doctor-patient relationship
- Physicians with whom Taft had professional
contact, other than as a patient
- Physicians with whom Taft had social connections
- Physicians who took care of other members
of the Taft household
- Possible physician names to investigate
- Physicians attending various
Baltimore dinners honoring Taft
- Bibliographic notes
[1] Physicians with whom Taft had a doctor-patient relationship
Comments and sources
Rhodes and Reilly performed emergency
surgery on Taft in the Philippines in October 1901, and a second operation
in November 1901 [WHT-HHT 1902-02-03]. As Taft later put it, "Major
(and Doctor) Rhodes ... carved me up in the Philippines [WHT-Charles 1909-08-01].
•• Rhodes and Taft had later contacts -- see below.
An ?Army physician who discovered in early February
1902 that Taft needed a third operation for his rectal abscess [WHT-HHT 1902-02-03].
Kelly, Howard A.
Chief of gynecology at Johns Hopkins, and a renowned,
technically brilliant surgeon. Taft's wife strongly encouraged Taft to consult
Kelly about the "third operation" [HHT-WHT 1902-02-06] [HHT-WHT 1902-02-08].
Taft said he would [WHT-HHT 1902-02-08]. I found no evidence he did consult
Kelly, but it was difficult for Taft to refuse his wife anything. •• There
is a 1909 receipt from Kelly listed in the index of the Taft papers, but
I was not able to locate it.
Thatcher, John
In preparing for the "third operation,"
Taft also consulted Dr. John Thatcher, whom he describes
as a "fine physician" [WHT-HHT 1902-02-12]. •• Thacher looked after Taft
in Murray Bay [Ross 270] [Hicks 118]. •• Thacher was a professor in the Yale
School of Medicine [Hicks 118]. •• There is only one letter from a Thacher
in the Taft papers -- 1902. I did not check for other spellings. •• Taft
may have consulted Dr. Thacher [sic] in the
second half of 1920 [Blumer-WHT 1920-07-16], although it is not perfectly
clear that this is the same as Thatcher in 1902. Blumer's sister married
Thacher's half-brother [Blumer-WHT 1920-07-16].
Taft was also considering a Dr. McBirney, and planned
to consult him in person on February 13 "as to the necessity for an operation
without deciding whether I shall have him do it" [WHT-HHT 1902-02-12].
This may have been Dr. Charles McBurney [sic], surgeon at the Roosevelt
Hospital, after whom McBurney's sign of acute appendicitis is named. Taft's
brother, Henry, and the physician John Thatcher advised Taft to see McBirney.
•• A Dr. Charles McBirney was part of President McKinley's surgical team [Rixey].
McCash [?]
Another surgeon Taft consulted was a Dr. McCash in
New York City [WHT-HHT 1902-02-12]. Taft's handwriting is difficult to
read, so the name may be incorrect. McCash may have been affiliated with
the Presbyterian Hospital.
Forchheimer, Frederick
Ultimately, these two Cincinnati medical
men performed the third operation on Taft [Ross 143].
Rauschoff, Hiller
Ransohoff, Joseph
Taft's letters before his March 1902 surgery suggest
that Dr. Joseph Ransohoff of Cincinnati was to perform the "third operation."
But Ross says Hiller Rauschoff performed the procedure [Ross 143]. Clearly,
this Dr. Ransohoff existed and knew Taft [Ransohoff-WHT 1910-10-25], so one
wonders if Ross mis-read Taft's difficult handwriting.
Major Edie was the physician traveling with Taft's
party to the Far East. There was an outbreak of diarrhea among the party
(including Taft) after dinner at the Grand Hotel in Yokohama, Japan. [WHT-HHT
Yorke-Davies, Nathaniel Edward
Taft's diet doctor, working at 44 Harley Street,
London. It appears that Taft's sister-in-law Julia had previously engaged
Dr. Yorke-Davies [WHT-HHT 1905-10-09]. A Google search shows that Yorke-Davies
wrote occasionally for the British Medical Journal on metabolism-related
subjects. There was a portrait of Yorke-Davies, called "Dietetics," in
Vanity Fair in 1900, and this is how I ascertained his first
name: the people selling the print on eBay listed his first and middle names.
•• In 1914, a Dr. W. Yorke-Davies of 44 Harley Street asked Taft if he needed
dietary supervision [WHT-WYD 1914-02-09].
Barker, Charles
Taft's "physical culture man" [WHT-NEYD, 1905-12-31].
I am not sure whether Barker had an M.D. or not. Barker wrote a book,
which shows that they remained friends until Taft's death, but it gives few
details of Taft's medical condition. [Barker CE. With President Taft
in the White House. Chicago: A. Kroch and Son; 1947.]
DeLaney, Matthew A.
Taft's Presidential physician, and family physician
to the Tafts. •• Upon taking office, Taft did not retain the Navy admiral
(Rixey) who had been White House physician to Roosevelt and McKinley, noting "that
when he wanted a physician he would call in an army surgeon, as he had been
accustomed to do in the past" [Butt 5]. •• DeLaney was a Major in the US
Army while Taft was President. The Rixey autobiography notes that DeLaney
ultimately rose to Colonel [Rixey 460]. •• Taft was pleased enough with
DeLaney's service to write him a complimentary letter at the end of his term
in office [WHT-DeLaney 1913-03-03].
Davis is described as Delaney's assistant. He treated the President
at least once, for what sounds like a temporo-mandibular ailment. [WHT-HHT 1911-08-01]
[WHT-HHT 1911-08-02]
1907-1909 (at least)
Taft had seen a physician named Richardson as early as June 1907
for throat treatment (probably voice strain) [WHT-HHT 1907-06-15].
•• It appears Taft sometimes traveled with Richardson:
"My voice is holding out fairly well,
and the presence of Dr. Richardson enables me to feel that all possible care will be
taken of it." [WHT-HHT 1908-09-23]
•• Dr. Richardson was with Taft in Houston in Oct. 1909
[WHT-HHT 1909-10-22]
•• It is likely, but not definite, that this is the same Richardson as below.
According to [Hoover], a "Dr. Richardson" appears
frequently on Taft's appointment schedule starting in December 1909, rather
in the same way that Barker appears on the calendar. Richardson could, therefore,
have also been a "physical culture man," but, it is more likely he was the
throat specialist noted above.
While in Minneapolis in 1907, Taft wrote:
"Before delivering my address I went to consult Dr. Dean, a throat specialist,
who blew me out as Dr. Richardson does. I fancy these fellows put
some cocaine in their treatment. [After giving two addresses:]
I went again to Dr. Dean to be treated, in order that I might
speak to about 4000 people... [After four more speeches
that day and the next:] I rode about Minneapolis for a while
in an automobile, went to a throat specialist who blew me out,
and got back to Senator Washburn's in time to dress for dinner."
[WHT-HHT 1907-06-15]
Jackson, James Marsh
Jackson attentended Taft at the Summer White House
in Beverly, Massachusetts [Butt 547-548] [WHT-JMJ 1911-11-15]. •• The results
of Jackson's pessimistic evaluation of October 1910 were to have been transmitted
to DeLaney [Butt 547]. It is unclear whether this happened [JMJ-WHT
1914-02-11]. •• Taft "met" Dr. Jackson in Boston in January 1914, but
it does not seem to have been a clinic visit [WHT-Blumer 1914-01-18]. As
a result of that meeting, Taft asked Jackson to forward his medical records
to Blumer [WHT-JMJ 1914-02-09] [JMJ-WHT 1914-02-11]. •• Jackson's obituary
was published [Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. 1919;180(3):87.].
Major Rhoads
1911-1913 (at least)
This is probably the same person as "Dr. Rhodes" mentioned
elsewhere. •• After Archie Butt's
death in April 1912, [Hoover] records Taft often traveling with a Major
Rhoads [e.g. week of 1913-01-26].
•• [Bromley 353] says that in November 1912 "Major Rhoads, Archie's replacement and
long Taft's personal physician" visited an asylum.
•• As part of White House renovations, "all the Major's hygiene
recommendations have been followed." [WHT-HHT 1912-10-27]
•• "Major Rhoads came to live in the White House with us." [WHT-HHT 1912-07-16]
•• "I do not think I have caught more cold. Rhoads is very attentive.
My voice did nicely yesterday." [WHT-HHT 1911-09-18]
•• See also [WHT-Charles Norton 1911-02-17, reel 390, 492K file].
Hill, John Wesley
1912-1923 (at least)
"My voice gave out [during a 17-speech day] but I called
on John Wesley Hill to help me." [WHT-HHT 1912-05-16]
•• The Tafts sent the Hills a Christmas card (at a Washington address)
in 1923.
According to [Hoover], a "Dr. Cleveland" appears
frequently on Taft's list of appointments starting in January 1913. I did
not investigate Cleveland's identity.
Coleman, Thomas D.
After leaving the White House, Taft spent a month
in Augusta, Georgia. Coleman, who was apparently a friend of Taft's,
was also his physician [Coleman-Blumer 1913-03-30].
Blumer, George D.
Taft was apparently referred to Blumer by Coleman
[Coleman-Blumer 1913-03-30] •• Blumer was dean of the Yale Medical School,
so some of the Taft-Blumer correspondence deals with the medical school and
medical education •• Blumer has published reminiscences, which do not mention
Taft [Yale J Biol Med 1955;28(1):1-28].
"Dr. Churchman has arranged to call on me this afternoon
at half past six" [WHT-Blumer 1913-04-05]. Taft wrote this from New Haven.
Tilerson, Wilder
Blumer recommended him as a physician able to care
for Taft in Murray Bay [WHT-Blumer 1915-06-02]. May also be "Tilerton."
Claytor, Thomas
When Taft was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1921,
he moved from New Haven to Washington and needed a new physician. ••
Blumer recommeded Claytor [WHT-Blumer 1921-07-30]. •• Blumer sent a summary
of Taft's case to Claytor [WHT-Blumer 1921-09-26].
Hagner, Frances
Blumer recommended Hagner, a urologist, when Taft
passed blood in his urine in late 1922 [WHT-Blumer 1923-01-02]. •• Hagner's
first name is not mentioned in the Taft papers. I obtained it from the
autobiography of Hugh H. Young [Hugh Young : A Surgeon's Autobiography
. New York : Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1940], which also mentions that Hagner
trained at Hopkins under Halsted (pages 57-58)..
Thayer, William S.
Taft's consultant cardiologist. They first met,
socially, in 1904 (see below) at Osler's house. •• Thayer was delinquent
in communicating with Taft's primary care physician, Thomas Clayor [Claytor-WHT
1924-06-27] [Claytor-WHT 1924-07-07] [Claytor-WHT 1924-07-25]. •• Thayer
refused to bill Taft when Taft was Supreme Court Chief Justice [WST-WHT
1925-Jan. or Feb.]. •• There were other problems getting hold of Thayer
[WHT-Annie 1926-07-08].
(at least)
Taft's physician in Murray Bay [WHT-Annie 1926-07-08]
[WHT-Claytor 1926-09-03].
An unnamed heart specialist from Johns Hopkins consulted
on Taft in July 1926 [WHT-Annie 1926-07-08]. Welch recommended the
consultant when Thayer was out of town and could not be reached. •• This
consultant did not bill Taft [WHT-Claytor 1926-10-07].
Henry, John Stewart
From a
web page of the McGill University archives:
"John Stewart Henry (M.D.,C.M., McGill, 1925) was born in Salisbury, New
Brunswick. In order to finance postdoctoral studies, he worked during the
summer of 1927 at Murray Bay; among the summer visitors he treated were
former U.S. President William Taft and a Boston physician, Vincent Bowditch."
Hagner's assistant. Taft, wary of his bladder
and "what happened the last time I was in Cincinnati," took Fuller with him
on the trip to Cincinnati in late December 1929 [WHT-Charley 1929-12-30].
Wilmer, William H.
Johns Hopkins ophthalmologist who also maintained
a private practice in Washington. I have not thoroughly read the correspondence
between Wilmer and Taft. It seems likely that Wilmer cared for Taft.
•• Taft met Wilmer and his wife [WHT-R.A.Taft 1929-12-01]
Greene, Louis |
Partner of Dr. Wilmer in Washington, DC. I have
not read all the letters between Greene and the Tafts.
[2] Physicians with whom Taft had professional contact, other than as a patient
No other President has been brought into contact with physicians
and their work in so many ways -- has had such a practical knowledge of what
medical science has done and is doing -- for no other President has had
the opportunities for personal observation of the results of scientific sanitation
that President Taft had in the Philippines, in Cuba, in Porto Rico, in the
Canal Zone and as Secretary of War. |
-- Journal of the American Medical Association |
1911;56:1393-1394 |
Comments and sources
Gorgas, William C.
Gorgas coordinated the campaigns against yellow fever
and other infectious diseases in the Panama Canal Zone, during Taft's tenure
as Secretary of War.
Rixey, Presley Marion
Rixey was White House physician to William McKinley
and Theodore Roosevelt. He was also surgeon general of the U.S. Navy when
Taft became President. •• Rixey wrote the just-inaugurated Taft to ask
"whether he desired him to continue to act as the surgeon for the White House....
The President had construed this into being some sort of threat and had answered
that he did not," which surprised Rixey [Butt 5]. •• Nor did Taft renew
Rixey's appointment as surgeon-general of the Navy, choosing Stokes instead.
Apparently, the Hopkins physicians had something to do with this, although
several of them knew Rixey [Rixey 350-355, 401-402]. •• Rixey, Grayson, Butt,
and Taft's son Charlie went fishing together on July 20, 1910 [Butt 445].
Rodman, William L.
President of the Medical Club of Philadelphia, who
invited Taft to speak at dinner before a thousand doctors at the Bellevue-Stratford
Hotel on May 4, 1911 [Butt 639]. (This is the hotel in which Legionnaire's
disease "appeared" in the mid-1970s.) •• The evening's speeches are printed
in: [Journal Am. Medical Assn. 1911;56:1399-1404] and also in: [Military
Surgeon 1911;28:599-605]. •• Other speakers included Welch, Mitchell, Reed,
Stokes, Torney, and Taft.
Stokes, Charles F.
Taft appointed him Rixey's successor as Navy surgeon
general. Stokes had been the Baltimore City microbiologist [source?], which
may have been why the Hopkins physicians went to bat for him [Foster 305].
•• Stokes spoke at the meeting of the Medical Club of Philadelphia on May
4, 1911, at which Taft also spoke.
Torney, George H.
Surgeon General of the U.S. Army during Taft's presidency.
•• Torney spoke at the meeting of the Medical Club of Philadelphia on May
4, 1911, at which Taft also spoke.
Wood, Leonard
Taft knew of Wood's brain tumor, and drafted a letter
asking Wood to help with his (Taft's) sister-in-law's brain tumor [WHT-Horace
[3] Physicians with whom Taft had social connections
Comments and sources
Coe, Henry Clarke
Coe was a Yale classmate of Taft's who became a gynecologist.
There are many letters between them, which I did not examine.
Comroe, Julius H. Sr.
1908 (at least)
Comroe wrote Taft a congratulatory letter shortly after Taft's election
to the Presidency. Taft replied with the standard letter he used to answer the hundreds
of such good wishes. [WHT-Comroe 1908-11-23] Comroe, the father of the renowned physiologist of the same name,
was an internist in York, PA.
Edwards, William
Taft's brother-in-law (husband of sister Annie).
Edwards was a Los Angeles surgeon who had cared for Taft's father [Ross
103]. After meeting Taft for the first time in 1890, Edwards predicted Taft
would be President someday [Ross 103].
Grayson, Cary T.
Rixey, Grayson, Butt, and Taft's son Charlie went
fishing together on July 20, 1910 [Butt 445]. •• Taft may have consulted
Grayson on July 22, 1910. Taft was having trouble with his ankle (probably
gout), and was persuaded by Butt to see the "ship's doctor" aboard SS Mayflower
[Butt 449]. Grayson was a member of the ship's company [Butt 445]. •• Grayson
was later Woodrow Wilson's White House physician.
Keen, W. W.
? - ?
While seeking a surgeon for his sister-in-law's brain
tumor in 1909, Taft writes: "I believe the greatest authority on the subject
is W. W. Keen, of Philadelphia, whom I know very well" [WHT-Horace 1909-10-28].
•• I do not know how they met, although it could have been through S. Weir
Mitchell. It does not appear that Keen was known to Mrs. Taft [WHT-HHT 1909-10-28].
•• Keen was one of the surgeons who operated on President Grover
Cleveland in 1893.
No longer in practice, but Taft shares info with
him [WHT-Lackwood 1924-07-02].
Mitchell, Silas Weir
Mitchell was a nationally renowned Philadelphia neurologist,
whom Bliss describes as a "society doctor" [Bliss 130]. Taft stayed at Mitchell's
home for two days in 1909 [Earnest ES. S. Weir Mitchell: Novelist and
Physician. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press; 1950. pp.
206-207]. Mitchell wrote Taft a dozen letters over the years, some of which
refer to other meetings between the men. Butt [147] records a meeting on
July 21, 1910, in which Mitchell urged Taft to return captured battle flags
to Mexico. •• Mitchell spoke at the meeting of the Medical Club of Philadelphia
on May 4, 1911, at which Taft also spoke.
Reed, Charles A. L.
Cincinnati surgeon, "for years at the head of the American
Medical Association. He and I have a long friendship and many things in common."
[Taft to Knox 1909-03-15] •• A "warm friend of the President"
[Rodman to Hillis, 1911-04-18, reel 390, file 492K] •• Reed spoke at the
meeting of the Medical Club of Philadelphia on May 4, 1911, at which Taft
also spoke.
1902-1909 (at least)
Rhodes was Taft's surgeon in the Philippines -- see
above. •• Taft also discussed his wife's case with Rhodes in August 1909:
"Major (and Doctor) Rhodes, who carved me up in the Philippines, was talking
with me about the disease which she has - nervous aphasia - and said that
it took usually from four to six months to recover complete control of the
voice and vocal organs" [WHT-Charles 1909-08-01]. •• It is unclear
if this is the same person as Rhoads.
Webb, Seward
1909 (at least)
Taft went to visit the Webbs in Burlington, "but the doctor
was absent, due to the fact that he is generally drunk." [WHT-HHT 1909-07-11]
[It is unclear if Webb was a PhD or MD.]
Wrong, George M.
1908 (at least)
Wrong wrote Taft a congratulatory letter shortly after Taft's election
to the Presidency. Taft replied: "I remember going over the golf field with you once or
twice and discussing politics, and finding that there was much sympathy between us."
[WHT-Wrong 1908-11-30] [It is unclear if Wrong was a PhD or MD.]
The Johns Hopkins Doctors
Osler, William
Osler and Taft met while summering in the small Quebec
town of Murray Bay in 1902 [Bliss]. •• Osler and Taft were co-feted at a
1905 dinner (see Section 6).
Thayer, William S.
1904-1926 (at least)
They first met at dinner at Osler's house in 1904
[WST-WHT 1908-11-29]. •• Thayer was invited to the 1905 Taft-Osler dinner
(see Section 6). •• Thayer wrote a congratulatory letter when Taft was elected
President [WST-WHT 1908-11-29]. •• Thayer invited Taft to an April 1910
dinner inWelch's honor, incuding an invitation for Taft to stay at Thayer's
house in Baltimore [WHT-WST 1910-02-25, in the Thayer papers in the Alan
Chesney Archives at Johns Hopkins]. Ultimately, Taft declined [WHT(Carpenter)-W.S.Thayer
1910-03-01, in the Thayer papers in the Alan Chesney Archives at Johns Hopkins]
Cushing, Harvey
1909-1926 (at least)
They met when Cushing took care of Taft's sister-in-law
at Hopkins in 1909 (see below). •• Cushing and Finney and "The Professor"
[who? Welch?] called on Taft in the White House on Jan. 5, 1910 to put in
a word for Stokes to become the new surgeon-general of the Navy [Foster 305].
•• Taft read Cushing's Pulitzer-Prize-winning biography of William Osler
"with moist eyes" and wrote Cushing a complimentary letter [WHT-HC 1926-12-14],
noting: "I have not seen you for many a year but I follow you and your work
as well as I can, i.e. as well as I can that of a Yale man at Harvard.
My deepest sympathy in the blinding sorrow of the loss of your boy went to
you when I heard of it. Nothing can take away the life long effect of such
a blow and only hard work can mitigate it." Taft also describes the diagnosis
of his atrial fibrillation, made by W. S. Thayer. Cushing writes back
a wonderful, warm letter [HC-WHT 1926-December] that starts: "That is a
delightful and much appreciated letter from you. The only out about it
lies in your confession that you have fallen under Thayer's commands. But
then there are far worse things than cardiac fibrillation -- even for a man
with as large and warm a heart as yours, which must be able to fibrillate
Kelly, Howard A.
Taft may have consulted Kelly in 1902 -- see above.
•• Kelly attended the 1905 Taft-Osler dinner (see Section 6).
Welch, William H.
1905-1926 (at least)
Welch attended the 1905 Taft-Osler dinner (see Section 6).
•• In February 1909, Welch invited Taft to address the American Medical
Association. We conclude Welch was somewhat scatterbrained, as his letter
to Taft is dated February 29 [sic], 1909, a date which any third-grader knows
can not exist. •• Taft declined an invitation to an April 1910 dinner
in Welch's honor [WHT(Carpenter)-Thayer 1910-03-01, in the Thayer papers
in the Alan Chesney Archives at Johns Hopkins] •• Welch spoke at the meeting
of the Medical Club of Philadelphia on May 4, 1911, at which Taft also spoke.
•• Welch wrote a congratulatory letter when Taft was chosen Chief Justice,
and Taft answered. Taft's letter to Welch, dated July 6, 1921, is in the
Welch papers in the Johns Hopkins Archives. Taft notes: "When I reach Washington,
we shall become neighbors again, and I hope I may see more of you than in
the recent past." •• A few months later,Welch invited him to speak at the
Maryland Social Hygiene Society, but Taft declined [WHW-WHT 1921-12-19].
•• Welch was invited to a 1923 dinner in honor of Chief Justice Taft (see
Section 6). •• Welch and Taft were co-feted at a 1924 dinner (see Section 6).
•• Welch recommeded a cardiac specialist to Taft in summer 1926, when Thayer
was out of town [WHT-Annie 1926-07-08].
Barker, Lewellys F.
1909-1924 (at least)
Barker had a professional relationship with Mrs.
Taft starting 1909 (see below) •• Barker sent a congratulatory note to Taft when the
Supreme Court appointment was announced [LFB-WHT 1921-07-30]. •• Barker
was invited to a 1924 dinner in honor of Taft and Welch (see Section 6).
Cullen, Thomas S.
P. L. Goldsborough, President of the National Union
Bank of Maryland, wrote that his "very dear friend," Dr. Cullen, was anxious
to call on Taft for the purpose of inviting him to address the Medical
and Chirurgical Society of Maryland [Goldsborough-WHT 1927-02-25, in Cullen
papers]. Taft replied that he had given up the making of public addresses,
but would be happy to receive Cullen [WHT-Goldsborough 1927-02-27, Cullen
papers]. It is unclear if Cullen ever paid the call [Goldsborough-Cullen
1927-02-28, Cullen papers].
There are letters from various Flexners in the Taft
papers. •• Llewellys Barker and Simon Flexner were both members of the First Philippine
Commission in 1899, but did not overlap Taft's tenure in the islands [Lewellys
F. Barker. Time and the Physician. NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1942].
Finney, J. M. T.
Cushing and Finney and "The Professor" [who?] called
on Taft in the White House on Jan. 5, 1910 to put in a word for Stokes to
become the new surgeon-general of the Navy [Foster 305]. •• Finney was invited
to a 1924 dinner in honor of Taft and Welch (see Section 6).
Futcher, T. B.
There is a 1913 letter in the Taft papers, but I
did not look at it.
See Section 6. Several Hopkins physicians presumably
met Taft at the occasional dinners in his honor given in Baltimore.
[4] Physicians who took care of other members of the Taft household
Comments and sources
Baer, W. S.
1904 ?
Head of the Johns Hopkins orthopedic department in
1904, when Osler recommended him to evaluate the spinal curvature of Taft's
daughter, Helen [WO-WHT 1904-06-13]. I do not know if Baer actually ever
consulted on Helen or not. Osler recommended a Dr. Bradford of Boston as
a second choice. Ross [160] states that Helen had curvature of the spine,
wore a plaster jacket for a time, and did special exercises for years.
Barker, Lewellys F.
Consulted on Mrs. Taft 5 months after her stroke
[DeLaney-WHT 1909-10-28]. Barker apparently visited the White House in
secret. He found her "practically normal" except for her articulation.
•• Taft received a letter from DeLaney "in which he
says that Dr. Barker spoke in the most encouraging way about [Nellie's]
condition, and said that everything was going as well as I could possibly
hope." [WHT-HHT 1909-10-31]
Cushing, Harvey
Operated on Taft's sister in law, Winifred, at Johns
Hopkins in October 1909 [WHT-Delia Torrey 1909-11-13]. She died in December
[Ross 234]. Winifred was the wife of Taft's brother Horace. Taft helped
Horace find a surgeon for Winifred [WHT-Horace 1909-10-28] [WHT-HHT 1909-10-28],
and knew Cushing only by reputation at this time.
DeLaney, Matthew A.
White House physician who provided initial care for
Mrs. Taft at time of her stroke [WHT-Robert 1909-05-18]. He administered
stimulants for her heart, "which was very weak," and had her put to bed.
Taft wrote: "The doctor soon reassured us all, and her as well ... that it
was a mere attack of nervous hysteria. •• DeLaney later arranged for Dr.
L. F. Barker to evaluate Mrs. Taft [DeLaney-WHT 1909-10-28]. ••
Taft, writing to his wife, mentions DeLaney in several letters: 1911-05-17?,
1911-08-01, 1911-08-04
I believe that Forcheimer was the Taft family physician,
but have not exhaustively looked in the Taft Papers to confirm it. My belief
is based on the occurrence of his name (spelled various ways) in Taft correspondence
from February 1902. It appears that he was taking care of Mrs. Taft, and
that Mr. Taft knew him as well.
•• Taft expresses his sadness at the death of Forchheimer. [WHT-HHT 1913-06-25]
•• Forchheimer may have operated on Taft in March 1902 (see above).
Taft wrote to DeLaney on May 9, 1910: "I send you
a communication that I have from Professor Münsterberg, who saw Mrs.
Taft. I think it is a crank communication, but I thought I would give it
to you."
Rugh, James Torrance
? - 1909
Philadelphia-based Rugh cared for Taft's daughter,
Helen, for reasons unknown. Helen left his care in June 1909 (she turned
18 in August 1909), with some protest from Dr. Rugh [JTR-WHT 1909-06-30].
Wilmer, William H.
Mrs. Taft had an appointment with him on April 28,
1909, three weeks before her stroke [appointment is listed in Mrs. Taft's
White House diary, on reel 609].
[5] Possible physician names to investigate
Comments and sources
Ainsworth, F. A.
Kean, Jefferson R.
Lieutenant Colonel. See, perhaps, [WHT-Blumer 1916-03-13].
See discussion of Thatcher.
[6] Physicians attending various Baltimore dinners honoring Taft
These dinners were held at the Maryland Club in Baltimore, which was astonishingly
uncooperative with efforts to research these historical events.
- Taft-Osler dinner of March 11, 1905.
- Invitees: Dr. William S. Halsted
• Dr. Henry M. Hurd • Dr. Howard A. Kelly • Dr. William H. Welch • Dr. J.
Whitridge Williams • Dr. W. S. Thayer • Dr. Joseph S. Ames • Dr. Charles
M. Ellis
- Source: Howard Kelly papers in the Chesney Medical Archives at Johns Hopkins
- We know that Kelly and Welch attended because
their programs are in the Chesney Archives at Johns Hopkins. I do not know
if Ames and Ellis were physicians or PhDs. The others were MDs.
- Taft dinner of February 14, 1923
- Known invitees: Dr. William H. Welch
- The Welch papers in the Chesney Medical
Archives at Johns Hopkins contain an invitation to a dinner meeting of the
'91 Club at the Maryland Club on that date. The invitation notes that "The
Chief Justice asks that no publicity be given to his attendance" at the
dinner. I do not know what the '91 Club is. Since Welch and Taft were
both Yale alumni, it may have been a Yale organization. A handwritten note
on the invitiation says: "Found in middle room on revolving bookcase, 807
St. Paul St." -- perhaps an indication that Welch's home was in disarray when
he died in 1934.
- Taft-Welch dinner of February 28, 1924
- Invitees: Dr. Lewellys F. Barker • Dr. Frederic
S. Dennis • Dr. J. M. T. Finney • Dr. William S. Halsted • Dr. Winford
H. Smith • Dr. James Brown Scott • Dr. J. Whitridge Williams • Dr. Henry
Wood • Dr. Hugh H. Young
- Source: Welch papers in the Chesney Medical Archives at Johns Hopkins
- I do not know if Dennis, Smith, Scott, and
Wood were physicians or PhDs. The others were MDs.
- All references in square brackets are to the Taft papers in the Library
of Congress, unless otherwise noted.
- Many references in square brackets have the form: [letterWriter-letterReceiver
- Abbreviations for letterWriter and letterReader
- WHT = William Howard Taft
- HHT = Helen Herron Taft (Mrs. William H. Taft)
- NEYD = N. E. Yorke-Davies
- other intitials refer to the doctor that is being described in
the same row
- Other letter writers and receivers:
- Annie = Annie Sinton Taft (Taft's sister-in-law)
- Charles = Charles P. Taft (Taft's half-brother)
- Charlie = Charlie Taft (Taft's son)
- Horace = Horace D. Taft (Taft's brother)
- Robert = Robert A. Taft (Taft's son)
- other: the name of a physician listed in the tables
- date has the form: year-month-day
- Chesney Archives = Alan M. Chesney Archives at the Johns Hopkins Medical
- Other references:
- Bliss = Bliss M. William Osler: A Life in Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1999.
- Bromley = Bromley ML. William Howard Taft and the First Motoring Presidency.
Jefferson, NC: MacFarland, 2003.
- Butt = Butt AW. Taft and Roosevelt: The Intimate Letters
of Archie Butt, Military Aide. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran; 1930.
- Foster = Foster JF. Harvey Cushing: A Biography. Springfield,
IL: Charles C. Thomas; 1946.
- Hicks = Hicks FC. William Howard Taft, Yale Professor
of Law & New Haven Citizen: An Academic Interlude in the Life of the
Twenty-Seventh President of the United States and the Tenth Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press; 1945.
- Hoover = Irwin (Ike) Hoover papers in the Library of Congress.
His papers include the daily White House appointment schedule.
- Rixey = Rixey PM, Braisted WC, Bell WH. The Life Story
of Presley Marion Rixey: Surgeon General, U. S. Navy, 1902-1910. Strasburg,
VA: Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc., 1930
- Ross = Ross I. An American Family: The Tafts - 1678 to
1964. Cleveland, OH: World Publishing; 1964.